Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Thursday in My Brain Map

For this project, I decided to map out my thursday schedule as I saw it in my head. I chose thursday because I have most of my classes on that day. For my map, I used pieces of the Rutgers Map (Livingston & Douglass), a map of my home (I'm a commuter), and made drawings of my classes in a cartoon form as I saw it in my brain. I taped four 18x24 pieces of paper and used markers, color pencils, and permanent markers in the map.  

I would start my day at home in Whitehouse Station.

I take a 30 minute drive to my first class in Livingston.

I arrive at Beck Hall where I have Expos.

I walk over to the Livingston Art Building where I have Artmaking.

I walk back to LSC and take the bus for 20 minutes to Douglass.

I walk down from the bus stop to DCC for dinner.

I walk over the the Art History Building for my Seminar class.

I drive back home and end my day. Here is my legend to follow my codes.

And this is an overall view of my map. Unfortunately, my camera cannot show the whole thing with detail, but you can see my overall route of my day. Also you can tell in which direction I am going from my home due to the sun and the moon. 

Saturday, March 21, 2009

"drawing a breath"

I was not really sure how to handle the "draw a breath" assignment at first.  I knew that I wanted to illustrate the idea of capturing a breath so i decided to experiment with some balloons.  Putting ink inside the balloons helped to illustrate the influx of air and also added a somewhat lung like quality in the fact that the traces of dried ink inside the balloons resembled the capillaries inside of lungs.  Once i filled all of the balloons with ink and "breaths" I decided that the piece would work best if all of the balloons were linked together and suspended from the ceiling.  This position represents the weightlessness of air and the breaths that we exhale.  The three "anchors" are balloons filled with a mixture of water and black ink.  These may represent the toxins in the air that we inhale which keep us from our "full potential" or "weightlessness."  The mirror that the three water-balloons are placed on is there to provide an alternate view of the installation because it is always good to get a second opinion.  The American flag is for class and style.

These are my characters . They like to hang out together and start fights on the boardwalk. They also like long walks on the beach and sing alongs. Their social skills suck so they rely on their incredible athletic ability to impress chicks. the end.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Puff Puff

Drawing A Breath

A breath can mean so many things. My main goal for this project was to not have a source. I started out with a long sheet of butcher paper and some black ink. Automatic drawing was my solution for not having a source, so for the first few attempts, I drew without thinking. I let my hand move about freely on the page, letting my subconscious lead the way. Some interesting things occurred. While drawing and watching the discovery channel, I drew shapes that resembled countries on a map, and leaves and rocks on a ground. These designs were entirely unintentional. I quickly found that it was near impossible to have completely no source. Whatever I was looking at was subconsciously affecting my drawing. After stepping back and examining my work, I was unhappy because there was no main focus. I also become bored. Consciously, I drew two heads in the center right of the page. I used an advertisement rip out from an art magazine as my source. Once the heads were drawn, I continued on in my automatic drawing to finish off the drawing.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Breath : Breathe(e)--

The bear is submerged in vegetable oil (along with some friends--half a ceramic crocodile for instance). [I wish I was a better picture taker.] This is a hanging sculpture made from collaged elements (magazine/newsprint) on styrofoam--vaguely resembling lungs. Copious amts of wood glue were used to give it a yellow tint, a fancy spray was applied for glossy fun.. . Fishing line is strung from an olive jar, and that also holds the submerged toys. The idea hear is twofold{IN-A-WAY}:: #1) It is about germs and seeing fellow humans as possible carriers before anything else, and #2) It is about influence and influences. How they can be both inspiring and suffocating... How they breathe into us (life) and also shut us away with intimidation. More photo:::>>>

Sunday, March 15, 2009

pink smoke

When presented with the idea of drawing a breath my mind went immediately to the idea of scattered abstract proportions. I associated this idea with collage and mosaic, I wanted to do something with small pieces so the eye would flow through the page as a breath through air. I chose to use a similar pinkish purple color for the breath to show ownership with the eye shadow and the girls lips.
-natalie berko

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Drawing a Breath

For the breath project, I wanted to show the cycling aspect of breath through the human body. Breath is can seem simple and short, but it is important to the entire body, cycling throughout it to give life. It cannot be contained, moving in and out of objects. I thought wire was suitable, even though it is not a typical drawing tool, it showed form yet was still hollow. This first photo is a outline tracing of a friend's body and was what I referenced in my wire model. However, I was confused with my proposal in the aspect of what I was basing my wire figure on. I did not follow the contour lines I had made with the tracing. Instead I was focusing on the cycling of the breath through the body and making the wire hold a body form. Although my figure did not fulfill what I had proposed, I still think that it still kept to the main point of the project where one thing moves to another, as does a breath. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Breath

I chose to create a breath using watercolor and ink. There are small and odd details within the breath because a "breath" can be many things and can also be exhaled or inhaled. Many things can represent this. Cigarettes, balloons, pollution, etc. can all be representations of this. Also, I thought the element of watercolors was fun because water has oxygen in it. Yay H2O!




How to draw a Breath project:

For this project I tried to find something that would best represent air being exhaled or inhaled. This is why I used the the string. It represents the way a air might move through the surrounding air and how it might diffuse. (the left representing the air coming out of the mouth and the right representing the diffusion through the air.) I then added this contrast of the white (pure) from the mouth and brown (contaminated) where the other air might add to the impurity of the air. To be more exact i added different colors and objects to represent. For example: the red and the matches represent the burning of something in the air; the black and cigarettes represent other people smoking; the blue sting represents other peoples air; the air and the foil cylinders (supposed to represent the exhaust pipe of a car) is supposed to represent pollution from cars and such; the toilet paper is supposed to represent flatulence of other people. The green leaves on the end of the smoke represent the end of the breath cycle where all the pollutants and everything are recycled back into the atmosphere. This could however be the reverse also where the air from the plants are met with all the pollutants and then we breath it in. The idea of this concept came to me while waiting for a bus stop and just listing all the things that i could be breathing in at that very moment. 

-Rob Narciso 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Drawing a Breath

I decided to draw a cloud of smoke out of charcoal because when I think of smoke, charcoal is used to heat up and grill food. Also the smoke is like a breath but in a large constant flow. A breath isn't visible unless it's really cold outside so I found an online image of visible smoke. When I think of smoke bombs, they are usually thrown inside of a building but this image shows the result of the smoke and how it reacts outside. So this is an example of drawing a breath in a different environment. The original image was very small and blurry. I wanted to redraw the image in detail and larger because the detail of smoke is very delicate and beautiful. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Drawing a Breath

12 studies

contour line drawing


In my project, I did 12 different view studies of a blanket and a pillow. For my proposal, I had planned to somehow connect all 12 studies together, but I got confused with my definition of drawing a breath and my plan. I had thought that drawing a breath meant to recreate the same object but somewhere else; for example, the Xerox machine. It copied the data and just put the same data on another piece of paper. Thus, at first, I "transferred" the 12 studies to larger individual contour line drawings.

But, in the end, after it became clearer to me that drawing a breath can also represent the recreation of the objects but in another form, I combined parts from some of the 12 studies in my line contour drawing. I wanted the lines to define the shape and volume of the blanket and the pillow. Last, I also created a collage of the blanket and pillow by taking some individual contour line drawings that I did of the twelve studies and put them together. I still wanted to keep the definite shape of a blanket but with different folds.

Although my contour line drawing and collage still look like the objects but with different parts, I could have gone further and randomized the different parts so that it was another form while still using parts of the actual objects.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

with the tree...

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay, but here are some pictures I took of our collages: